Eat a wide range of nutritious foods on a schedule.
★ Good eating habits create health and wellness. Children learn better if they have eaten properly. Eating properly means eating on a schedule, eating nutritious foods, and knowing when the next meal will occur.
In this guide, you’ll learn about how important it is to set up your child’s schedule. With a schedule, you can start to control what your child eats- and help your child build healthy eating habits. Open the the accordion bullets on the right hand side. Get started by building good eating habits!
Click ‘Conversational scripts for eating habits, below
Establish a meal schedule. It’s crucial for teaching good eating habits. Scheduled meal times can do the following
Help your child children understand Hunger and fullness
Promote healthy portion control
Learn social skills
To set up a schedule, look at these tips:
Fix the times for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Serve meals by the clock. Use an analog clock (a clock with a big hand and a small hand) to show your child when meals will occur.
Keep meals short to start. Meals should last 20 to 30 minutes. Use an analogue clock or a timer to show your child how long the meal will last.
Don’t worry about portion sizes. Let your child choose the right portion size for them
Serve whatever food the family is eating. Don’t prepare special meals for your picky child- choose foods that most of the family will enjoy and serve those foods to everyone.
Gradually introduce healthy food choices. Consult the ‘Healthy Food Choices’ section for more guidance on nutritious, kid-friendly foods. Remember, the goal is to foster a healthy relationship with food, not to control every aspect of your child’s eating habits.
Special tips:
Screens should be turned off! During meals and snacks, your child needs to focus on their hunger signals, on eating, and on what it feels like after they have had a meal. Screens interfere with building good eating habits.
Use your child’s hunger signals to encourage good eating habits. the schedule helps here. By waiting until the next scheduled meal before eating, your child will learn what it means to feel ‘hungry’ and what it feels like to feel ‘full.’
Set up a schedule for snacks.
Snacking should happen at snack time. Like meals, snacks should occur at a fixed time. Here are some ideas you can use to set up a schedule for snacks:
Snacks should occur once or twice daily.
Snacks should occur at a time that’s scheduled by the clock.
Use an analogue clock (a clock with a big hand and a small hand) to show your child when snacks will occur
Ideally- turn screens off during snack time. Your child needs to concentrate on eating and not concentrate on the screen. That’s the best way to teach good eating habits.
Portion sizes.
Do control portion sizes for snacks. Snacks are limited to one piece or one portion of food. This is different from meals. Even though children are allowed to eat as much as they want during the meal, they are only allowed one serving of food for snacks.
Example snack sizes.
A snack consists of one piece of fruit, one carrot, one granola bar, or one half peanut butter sandwich. These are examples. Your child can eat less than this, but should not eat more. If your child is still hungry after a snack, they will have to wait for the next meal before they are allowed to eat again. As time goes by, they will learn to eat enough at meal times so that they don’t need to eat a lot of snacks.
As you and your child get better at this, start to introduce healthy food choices for snacks. Unhealthy snacks (those with a lot of sugar, salt, or fat) can be saved for special occasions. Or, serve them only a few times per week, not every day.
Make sure your child knows when they can have the ‘not-so-healthy’ snacks and when they will have healthy snacks.
Choose healthy foods for your child’s meals.
Once your child is used to eating meals on a schedule, it will be much easier to teach your child how to eat healthy foods. The schedule helps children learn to make healthy food choices.
Here is some general information about healthy foods. Use this information to make food choices for you, your child, and for the family. There is more information in the Special Section on Healthy Food Choices.
Healthy foods are mostly not processed foods.
Foods that are processed are ready for eating, right out of the package. Foods that are not processed are not yet ready to eat. You have to cook them or prepare them for eating. Even though it takes more time to process or prepare foods yourself, it’s almost always healthier.
Think about your grocery cart.
How many foods do you buy are ready for munching?
How many are ready for eating?
How many do you have to cook or prepare yourself?
Foods that you have to prepare yourself (chopping, cooking, assembling) are usually healthier than foods that are ready to eat right away.
Healthy eating means that you have to do more food preparation yourself. It takes practice. Try making food ‘from scratch’ once a week, and then build up your habit— make food ‘from scratch’ more often.
Processed foods are often not that healthy.
Foods that are ready for eating include frozen dinners, frozen foods that are already cooked, and most snacking foods such as chips, ice cream, and cakes. They are all processed foods. They usually have too much sugar, salt, and fat. Sometimes they also have preservatives or chemicals. This means that they are less healthy. When you prepare your food yourself, you usually end up eating less salt, sugar, and fat, and preservatives. That’s healthier!
Slow energy foods.
A healthy diet has more slow energy foods. Be sure to offer slow energy foods to your child. Slow energy foods include vegetables, meats, and whole grains. You have to prepare them for eating, which takes more time. Once you eat them, they also take longer to digest. It will take 20 to 30 minutes before you notice that the slow energy food is giving you energy.
Fast Energy Foods
Fast energy foods are usually processed foods. they don’t take that long to digest and you’ll feel like you’re getting energy from those foods quickly. Fast energy foods include foods made with white flour or sugar. Pasta, breads made with white flour, cakes and muffins are mostly fast-energy foods. They release their energy quickly.
Mixed slow and quick energy foods. Fruits and fatty foods lie somewhere in between slow and fast energy foods.
Slow-energy foods take longer to start giving you energy- but they give you energy for a longer period of time. Fast-energy foods give you energy faster- but the energy does not last as long. Your child might not be able to notice these differences, but can learn about these differences if you teach them. Once you notice how slow-energy and fast-energy foods keep your hunger in control, you can start to teach your child to notice them too. It will take days or weeks before you notice the difference.
Strategy: Mix slow energy with fast energy foods.
At each meal, it’s best to eat low calorie and slow energy foods first. Eat high calorie and fast energy foods at the end of the meal. If you fill up on slow energy foods first, you’ll crave high energy foods less. Be sure to look at the Special Section entitled “Healthy foods” for more ideas
General information about how to make your meal plan child-friendly.
Most parents struggle to get their kids to eat vegetables, whole grains, and even proteins- All of the slow-energy foods that are so important for a healthy diet. Here are some things to think about:
Children often don’t like foods with strong flavors or odors. Be sure to ask your kids about their preferences. They can help you in making food choices that work for them.
Children often don’t like foods that take too long to chew and swallow, especially when they are still young. See if your kids respond differently if you chop the foods for them. Or, use a blender and make the food into a smoothie. Chewing is important for dental health, so don’t take away all foods that require chewing. On the other hand, if your child eats more fruits, vegetables, and grains when you chop them or blend them, then do that.
Ways to make foods more kid-friendly
Examples of kid-friendly fruits and vegetables. Corn, celery, carrots, cucumber are vegetable choices that are typically more kid-friendly because they have a mild flavor. Broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower are very healthy but not always preferred by children because the flavor is stronger. Raw vegetables and fruits are better than cooked ones, as long as they do not take too long to chew.
Strategies for eating fruits and vegetables
You can hide vegetables, raw or cooked, when you serve them in pasta sauce or when you mix them with noodles or rice. Over time, you can introduce larger pieces of fruits and vegetables and hide them less often inside other foods.
Examples of kid-friendly grains. Grains that are kid-friendly include whole grain rice, whole wheat kernels, chopped wheat kernels (bulgur), Buckwheat, and others. Grains do not have a strong flavor, and are a good choice for kids. Don’t forget beans, lentils, and nuts. These foods are very healthy and are good for your child too.
Strategies for preparing whole grains for your child
Make sure you cook the grains (or beans, or lentils) long enough so that they are easy to chew.
Use whole grain flours, like whole wheat flour, almond or nut flour, or buckwheat flour. Use that flour when you make muffins or pancakes. You can put pureed or shredded vegetables into muffins, pancakes or other kinds of baking.
You can mix whole grains, beans, lentils, and nuts with white rice or noodles.
In all of the examples above, you are mixing quick-energy with slow-energy foods. Over time, try to increase the amount of slow-energy foods in your child’s diet. Give less pasta and white rice, give more whole grains or whole kernel rice.
Kid-friendly Meat, fish, and eggs. Some people say that a diet that’s 100% plant-based is the healthiest diet. That said, if your child is a picky eater, you might want to serve them some animal proteins. You’ll have to find the right balance for you, your child, and your family.
Most children eat meat successfully, though you may need to cut the meat into small pieces if your child is still young. Fish and eggs are usually also acceptable to most children. Keep the total amount of animal protein to less than 35% of your child’s diet. Even 25% animal products or less is sufficient for a healthy diet.
The overall healthiest diet for your child.
The recommendations listed above were made for children living in Western countries, where there’s a big problem with overweight. Most children will feel better with the diet suggestions listed above. You will have to decide what’s best for your child and for your family.
The IEP is designed to share good ideas about healthy food choices in general. What’s right for your child and your family will vary.
The suggestions above might not work for children who are underweight, or for children who have a medical condition. Be sure to speak with your child’s pediatric practitioner to find out what’s best for your child. Also be sure to speak with your kids! Bring them along for a grocery shopping trip. Or, ask them to help you prepare the meal that you are going to eat together.
Choose healthy foods for your child’s snacks.
Most kids want to eat some sugary or fatty snacks each day. Many adults are the same. When you first start thinking about changing your child’s diet to include healthy foods, be sure to remember Objectives #1 and #2: The first steps towards healthy eating behaviors is to set up the schedule for meals and for snacks. Eating should only occur at the scheduled time.
Once you have set up the schedule for meals, you can schedule times when your child is allowed to eat snacks - healthy ones or not. Here is the trick: When you have control over when your child eats snacking foods, you can start to control how often they eat those snacking foods.
Once you have control over the timing of snacks, you can start to gain control over the type of snacks your child eats. For example, you can tell your child that you can only offer sugary/ fatty snacks on weekends, once a week only, or only on special occasions.
Here are some other strategies:
Soda and cake are never a necessary part of your child’s diet. You can reduce soda and cake to special occasions only. Start doing that right away.
You can offer sugary snacks if they are made with some slow-energy grains. An example is cookies made with Almond flour, Rye flour, Oatmeal or oat flour, or another type of flour that’s not white wheat flour. You can offer these snacks once daily. After a while, reduce them to once weekly or less- or, make snacks with less sugar or no sugar
Offer fresh or dried fruits instead of cookies or candies. You could offer these daily.
Gradually replace all sugar-containing snacks with snacks that are slow-energy. For example, carrot sticks are a good snack that’s slow-energy. You can still offer sugar-containing snacks from time to time.
Buying tip: Quick energy or slow energy?
The more often your child eats slow-energy foods, they less hunger they will have for high-energy foods.
The less sugary/fatty snacks you offer to your child, the more they will look for slow-energy foods that they can eat.
Your grocery shopping trip: Read the labels!
If white sugar and white flour are at the top of the food label, you have a quick energy food in your hands. if the word ‘processed’ is on the you might wish to avoid that food.
How do I find good slow energy foods?
The best way to know if a food is slow energy or quick energy is to start to eat more foods that are slow-energy foods. You might notice the difference right away. Or, it might take some days or weeks before you notice how slow-energy foods make you feel. Once you realize the difference, you’ll buy less quick energy foods. The slow energy foods make you feel better!
Choose a range of food flavors and textures for the picky eater.
Before you decide that your child is a ‘picky eater’ and needs special considerations, read the information shown here.
Information about “normal” picky eating habits of children
Most children are picky eaters. They need to get used to new food flavors and textures and don’t always know how to enjoy different kinds of foods. If they never try out new foods, they will stay picky.
Don’t think that your child’s picky eating behaviors are due to something that’s wrong or different about your child. If you’re concerned, speak with your child’s pediatric health care provider.
Most of the children who end up being labelled as “picky” eaters simply haven’t developed good eating habits yet. These children are not born to be picky eaters. They have just not be trained in good eating habits yet. Objectives 1 to 4 are the right steps to take for these “normally picky” eaters. Most children who are picky eaters show the following:
Not yet eating on a schedule
Easy access to snacks
Eat excessive snacking foods containing sugar and fat
Graze all day long. Are picky about what they are willing to eat. These children don’t ever feel hungry enough to try out new foods.
Why do some children end up becoming picky eaters?
Portion size. One of the reasons that poor eating habits persist is when parents look at their child’s portion size, and think the portion size is too small. They become concerned that their child is not eating enough. They sometimes end up giving their child preferred foods (usually, high sugar and high fat foods), because the portion size seems to be so small. Here’s the catch: Your child’s normal growth is the first and most important aspect to any nutritional program. Most children who seem to eat poorly are still growing normally. Make sure your child’s pediatric health care provider agrees with you. Your child’s normal growth is what matters the most, not portion size.
Gentle challenges. Children need to be challenged to try new foods- and they need to be hungry when they are challenged. Try challenging your child. Accept it when they do not eat. Try again at the next meal. Or, try again tomorrow.
Build up your child’s hunger using the schedule. As discussed earlier in this chapter, hunger is the first step to trying out new foods. Start by setting up the schedule. As the child gains hunger, there’s a much higher chance that they will try out new foods.
Consider special strategies if your child is not successful.
Some of the strategies listed below might be needed for the truly picky eater. Check with your pediatric health care practitioner to find out which strategies are best. and also agrees with the suggestions listed here.
Some children truly are picky eaters. They may have oral sensitivities. They struggle much more than other children to accept new foods or non-preferred foods. They might find the taste or the smell too strong. You might need to go slowly in trying out new foods with your child. Follow the steps below and see if they are helpful
Make a list of the foods that your child eats. It’s important to do this step well. Sometimes, there’s more variety in your child’s food choices than you at first thought. Write out the list. Then, think of alternatives. see bullets below.
Share the list with your child. If your child has good language skills (if they can listen and understand what you say and can tell you their thoughts and opinions), make sure that they know which foods are their preferred foods. When you start to make changes to their preferred foods, you will want them to understand why your new food choices will be acceptable. See next paragraph.
Find foods that are similar to the foods that your child already eats. For example, if your child eats only a certain brand of chicken nuggets, find another brand. Or, make the chicken yourself, using fresh chicken. If your child only eats a certain brand of yogurt, find another brand. Or, find other dairy products that could replace the yoghurt. If your child only eats pasta, find another shape for the noodles, another brand of noodles, a brand of noodles made with non-wheat flours, or change noodles for bread. Tell your child that they have to practice eating ‘new’ foods— even though the new foods are very similar to their preferred foods.
Start with small bites of the new food. Your child should eat meals and snacks on a schedule, and should start the meal with one of the new foods that you’ve selected.
Fast or slow? Typically developing children can be served new foods right away. Even if they initially refuse, they’ll learn how to eat new foods within a day or two. This is not true for the picky eater. The picky eater with oral sensitivities will not be able to change their diet so quickly. They will need to try out a spoonful at a time, maybe as little as one spoonful of new foods per meal or snack. Hopefully, they can chew and swallow more than one spoonful. Or, they can be asked to swallow one spoonful of new foods per meal, and then two spoonfuls of new foods per meal the following week, etc. You should see definite progress within a few weeks of persistent trials and new food exposures. Only offer preferred foods once they have tried a new food first.
Consult with professionals if you are not making good progress. If you doubt that you’ll be successful, you can ask your pediatric health care provider to offer suggestions or to make a referral.
Information about the extremely picky eater.
Extremely picky eaters also tend to find the taste and smell of foods too strong. However, they might gag or vomit when they try out new foods. They might not be able to tolerate a spoonful of new foods. They might start to refuse to eat altogether. It’s rare that these children actually lose weight, but if they are already underweight, you may wish to go really slowly. For example, you may need to put new food on their plate, without asking them to put it into their mouth. You might ask them to put the new food to their lips, or in their mouth, and then spit it out again. It’s rare that children have to undergo this kind of training to tolerate new foods, but it does happen from time to time. When the training starts out with very small steps, you will probably need to work on taste- and texture-training for a year or more before you see progress.
When do I consult with professionals?
Children who have a high degree of sensitivity are more likely to need professional supervision of their diet. Be sure to consult with your child’s pediatric health care practitioner to learn more about a balanced diet for the very picky eater. Health care professionals can help you to select the right pace for training your child. They can also help decide how often to check your child’s growth. They can help you decide how many calories are needed per day to assure good growth.
What do I do if my child does not eat, or seems to not eat enough?—
Portion size is not worth worrying about.
Many parents express concern that their child ‘does not eat.’ This is very rarely true. Children eat if they are offered food. They might not eat as much as you think they are supposed to eat. They might even skip some meals. But that’s not the same thing as ‘not eating.’
Your child is allowed to skip meals. Sometimes, they will only eat one or two meals per day. As long as you follow the eating schedule, and offer your child food at predictable times, they will show you what’s the right portion size for them.
Growth is more important to worry about.
Instead of worrying about portion size, focus on your child’s growth. Your pediatric health care provider can help you here. Pediatric health care practitioners are usually not concerned about the child’s food portion sizes. They are more interested in your child’s growth.
Make sure that your child’s growth is normal. Ask you pediatric health care provider to show you your child’s growth curve. It’s the best way to know that your child is eating enough.
Children who “don’t eat” do tend to eat a lot of snacks
Very often, children who ‘don’t eat’ at meal times eat a lot of snacks. They tell their parents they are hungry when they want snacking foods. Or, they go to the cupboard where the snacks are located and they help themselves.
If your child gets hungry before the next meal, don’t offer any snacks or ‘in-between’ meals. Just offer a meal, at the time that you chose for meals. Making your child wait until the next snack or meal is part of the learning process. It helps them to learn about what it means to feel hungry. It also teaches them to eat enough food so that they feel full. Gradually, they learn what’s the “just right” amount of food for them.
Schedule meals and snacks.
Don’t be flexible with the schedule when you are first teaching your child. The consistency of the schedule is needed to train them to notice when they are hungry. The consistent schedule also lets them know for how long they feel full. You will need to have a precise schedule for several weeks. It will help your child learn this new skill.
If you are worried that your child usually gets too hungry in between meals, change the timing of the whole schedule. If needed, you can add a snack. But don’t be fooled. Your child might be telling you they are hungry because they want a snack, not because they want a meal. The point is for them to learn how to manage their hunger by eating the right portion size.
When can I loosen up on the schedule?
Young children, and children with disabilities, may need a rigid schedule over the long term. It will help them maintain good nutrition and will also help with their self-regulation skills. Don’t give up on the schedule too quickly. Try it for several weeks, and see how well it works. That said, once your child and your family have established good eating habits in general, it’s OK to loosen up on the schedule. And, you might discover that you really don’t want to change the schedule. sometimes, you and your child both can get cranky if you do not follow the schedule. Discover for yourself what will work best for you.
Level of support.
You should not provide much support when teaching your child how to eat. You will not need to use any physical support. Your child has to eat on their own. Do not spoon feed your child, unless your child has a motor impairment and cannot self-feed.
If your child is not able to use a spoon, you can use hand-over-hand support to feed them. Make sure they choose how many spoonfuls of food they will eat.
Your child needs to see you eating with them. You will have to make sure that screens are off. If you as the parent eat later, just sit next to them when they are having their meal. That’s enough support. If you like, you can provide some words of encouragement. You can make suggestions for which food to eat first. Or, tell them what the foods taste like and why they are good to eat. Then, talk about other things. After 15 to 20 minutes, the meal will be over and you can clear the food away.
What do I do if my child eats too much?
Large portion sizes.
Some parents who worry that their child eats too much. Excess eating and overweight are a very important concern too. The schedule can help here as well. Here are some suggestions for you to consider. They will help you manage excess eating and overweight. Be sure to ask your pediatric health care provider about what’s best for your child.
Eliminate snacks.
If your child’s pediatric practitioner agrees that your child has excess weight, you can eliminate snacks and only allow eating at meal times. Focus on objective #1, and set up a schedule for meals. Don’t have a daily schedule for snacks. instead, offer snacks (especially, high calorie snacks such as snacks with sugar and fat) on weekends only, or on special days only. When you eliminate daily snacks, your child might end up eating more at meal times. That’s OK initially. Don’t try to control portion sizes. Your child needs to learn what’s the “just right” amount of food for them.
Reduce calories for the whole family.
The best way to control excess eating in your child is to control excess eating for everybody in the family. Usually, children eat too much food because they are eating too many snacks. They same is often true for other family members. Usually, children don’t reduce their eating and their snacking unless the whole family reduces their eating and snacking.
The first step you will need to take is to stop buying snacking foods during your grocery shopping trip. If there are no cookies, chips, or soda in your house, your child will automatically have fewer calories to fill up on. It can be a big change for everybody. If it’s too hard to stop snacking all at once, try stopping slowly.
Only allow one snack per day instead or two or more snacks.
Don’t allow any snacks during TV time or screen time.
Change the snacks and only offer low-calorie foods like vegetable sticks.
Only buy snacking foods once per month, not every week. There will be days here and there when there are no snacking foods in the house.
Gradually, get rid of snacks (and snacking foods) altogether. It could take you several weeks to make this change. But each time you reduce snacking foods in your house, you are eliminating extra calories that your child does not need.
Replace snack times with other activities. Screen time and snacking often go together. If your child spends a lot of time on the screen, they are more likely to eat more calories. If possible, remove your child from screens and take them away from food. You may wish to look at the Content Page on Schedules for more ideas.
Replace screen time with activities. Eliminating screen time is easiest if you leave the house go to for a walk, or if your child participates in an after-school program where no snacks are served. If your child goes to an after-school program, ask the after-school program staff to limit or reduce snacks there. Sports activities are an even better way to get kids away from food- and burn up their excess calories.
Pay attention to why you are eating foods.
Many people eat foods because it makes them feel better emotionally. They use food as a reward or as a comfort, and don’t eat because they’re hungry. Pay attention to how you and your child use food. Are you and your child eating because you are hungry and because it’s time to eat? Or, are you eating because you or your child had a stressful day and need some comfort? It’s important for you and your child to find a way to relax, reduce stress, and get comfort when needed. Use conversations or talk about your feelings with family members or friends. Don’t use food to help reduce your child’s stress, worries, or sad feelings. Don’t offer food when your child is bored or not does not know what to do with their time.
Don’t use food as a reward.
It’s important to celebrate successes and make your child feel rewarded when they have done something good. But, you don’t need to use food as a reward. Show your child how proud you are of them by spending extra time with them. You can have a conversation, play a game, or go on a special outing. When you read the chapter on Rules, you’ll learn more about privileges and rewards and how to celebrate your child’s successes. Food is not the best way to show your child how proud you are of their success.
When are extra calories allowed?
Extra calories, such as high-sugar or high-fat foods are allowed. You just have to decide how often. For example, special occasions can include cake or ice cream. As part of having fun as a family, you can go out for an ice cream sundae with your child. Try scheduling high-sugar or high-fat foods. For example, you could say that you’ll take your child out for an ice cream sundae only on Sundays. Or, only offer an ice cream Sundae when it’s your child’s birthday. That way, your child knows they can have high-calorie foods foods some of the time. You can schedule high-sugar and high-fat foods. Offer them once a week, every few weeks, or every few months.
Here is some specific information about healthy foods
Fresh vegetables and fruits. Fresh vegetables are low calorie and slow energy foods. Try teaching your child to eat fresh vegetables first. Vegetables can fill you up, make your stomach feel a bit more full, and reduce hunger signals. It takes a bit longer to notice that you’ve eating something when you only eat vegetables. They have energy to offer, but they release their energy slowly. The reason for this is because it takes a while for the stomach and digestive system to break them down and release their energy into the bloodstream. They are a ‘slow’ form of energy.
Why vegetables are important. There is more information on ‘slow’ energy in the section on carbohydrates. Vegetables release their energy slowly. They give you energy over longer time intervals. They are also important because they have fiber. Fiber is important because it allows for normal stool production and reduces constipation. Fiber is also important because it helps remove chemicals and preservatives from your body.
Why complex carbohydrates are important. Carbohydrates are made up of long chains of sugar, starches, and cellulose (fiber). it might be surprising to learn that complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains and vegetables, contain sugars. Here’s the difference between complex carbohydrates and simple carbohydrates: It takes a long time for complex carbohydrates to break down and release the sugar into your bloodstream. On the other hand, foods made with white flour or sugar release the sugar into your bloodstream quickly. Complex carbohydrates are slow energy foods. They have more fiber than quick energy foods. They give you a trickle of energy for a longer period of time, instead of a rush of energy that disappears too soon. Quick energy foods, such as sugar, give you energy for a shorter amount of time.
Examples of complex carbohydrates. Oats, barley, buckwheat (it’s not a form of wheat!) rye, and whole wheat kernels are all examples of complex carbohydrates. Whole grain rice that still has the fiber coating is also a complex carbohydrate. Other slow energy foods include nuts, beans, and lentils. These foods are also complex carbohydrates, but they include fat and protein too. They also give you energy more slowly and for a longer period of time. They also give you more fiber! You might not notice the slow energy difference after the first time you eat these foods, but you will notice the difference if you keep practicing. You won’t get hungry as quickly after meals if you eat slow energy foods that include the foods listed in this paragraph. If you notice the difference, you’ll start sharing these healthy foods with your children too.
Dairy. Dairy is healthy for children. Milk, cheese, yoghurt are usually well tolerated. Limit milk intake to less than 24 ounces per day (that’s about 4 glasses). Choose dairy products that don’t contain too much sugar. For example, yoghurt is a very healthy food choice. However, it’s often flavored with sugar-containing fruit sauces. It’s OK to eat yoghurt that also has sugar, just keep in mind how much sugar you and your child are eating, and when is the best timing for eating that sugar.
Meat, fish, and eggs. There is more and more evidence that a plant-based diet is more healthy than a meat-based or animal-based diet. You might not want to eliminate meat and other animal products, but you can reduce them. Before you reduce how much meat you and your family eat, try buying and cooking only fresh meat, dairy, and eggs. Cook them yourself, instead of buying processed types of meat, dairy, or eggs. Processed meats, such as sausages or salami, contain a lot of fat, salt, and preservatives. They are not the healthiest choice of meat. Be sure to also eat fiber if you are going to eat processed animal products. In western countries, we eat a lot of meat, fish, and eggs. This diet is is low in fiber and high in fat.
Information about a ‘balanced’ or ‘healthy’ diet.
A healthy diet includes mostly vegetables, fruits, and grains, with some dairy, meat, fish, and eggs. Most of your foods should be vegetables, grains, beans, and nuts. only a portion should be dairy and eggs. A smaller amount again should be meat and fish. Your diet would be very healthy if you eat 65 to 75% vegetables, grains, beans and nuts, and only 25 to 35% dairy, eggs, meat, and fish.