parent success system

The IEP for Home is a system that’s designed for you to become masterful in your special role as the parent of a child with neurodiversity or a child who may have a disability.

There are several components to the Parent Success System, as follows:


Read about the goal for each page. Imagine the goal you want to reach. Talk with others to make sure you’ve chosen the right goal. The right goal is the one that will let you experience maximum success soonest.

Objectives. Next, look at the Parent Guides: These are the heart of the IEP for Home. They include the objectives that you want to meet, so that you will reach your goal.

Conversational scripts.

Each page of Goals of the IEP for Home has a button you can click for conversation starters. you will need to talk with your child about the goal that you want to work towards. no matter what kind of disability your child may have, be sure to include your child in your plans!

When should I seek professional help?

The IEP for Home is a parenting success system- it does not offer medical advice. sometimes, you will need medical advice to find the right goal, objectives, or strategies for your child. be sure to seek out professional supports when you need them.

The Stumbling Blocks: Feeling nervous or defeated? It’s part of the process. Learn about your Stumbling Blocks. Discover strategies for overcoming your stumbling blocks.

Here are some steps you can take right now:

  • Explore the website!

  • Sign up for the newsletter. You’ll get four introductory e-mails from the author to get the ball rolling.

  • Keep striving to be the best version of yourself, so that your child can be the best version of themselves. And remember, you’ve got this.

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